Friday, March 27, 2015

Hard drives vs SSDs

Well the main thing you should consider from a consumers point of view is which is worth more ? a traditional hard drive with all its moving parts , bulkiness and limited speed  of 10000 Rounds per minutes or the lightning fast yet expensive and super fast 10000 + rounds per second solid state drive .

Cost of a traditional hard drive is measured in cost per gigabyte which is  0.03$ according to  which is about 0.03 $  x 1000 gigabytes which is about 30 $ but on the other hand is the ssd which costs a mind blowing .50 $ or less or about .50$x 1000 gigabyte which is about 500$ or less for a 1terabyte solid state drive  .

Speeds of a ssd is much higher according  some research on blogs and some trusted techsites show that an ssd is 2-3 times faster than the fastest hard drive that is about 20000-30000 rounds per minute .

Sizes of hard drives range from traditional 3.5 " drives to 1.8" drives found in the older ipods though there was a downside to the smaller drives , their size which was limited to 500 gigabytes or less though ssds can range from 2.5" drives to being as small as a micro sd card found in your phones ! .

lifeline of a ssd is well over a decade as it does not utilise any mechanical parts within it like a traditional hard drive does thus a ssd might be the choice in the long run .according to a article by pcworld blackgate found that a traditional hard drive starts to fail at an increasing rate  after 4th year .

If you would like a simpler comparison of the two heres a picture! .

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